Friday, November 22, 2013

Who Wants Cake?

It was approaching midnight when Joe made it to where he was going. It had taken a little bit of doing to get over the walls without anyone noticing but he had an appointment to keep, so that was that. 

He looked around trying to find who he was there to meet. They all sort of looked alike after a while, so it took him some time to find who he was looking for but eventually, he made it to the spot. He took from inside his coat, a black brick wrapped in plastic. He removed the saran-wrap and put the little E-Z Bake Oven chocolate cake on the ground. He produced a candle and a book of matches. He placed the candle in the cake and lit the match with a slight flinch. He lit the candle then removed his mask.

"Happy birthday to you.
 Happy birthday to you.
 Happy birthday dear Ralphie.
 Happy birthday to you."

The graveyard was silent as Joe watched the candle flicker in the wind and then die out.

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